Obese Woman May Affects Future Generation at Metabolic Risk
Categories Medical news

Obese Woman May Affects Future Generation at Metabolic Risk

Eating healthy and nutritious food keeps us healthy. However, sedentary lifestyle and switching to processed and fast foods have made obesity a popularized condition. A current mouse study, lead by Kelle H. Moley, published online in the journal Cell Reports has come up with a novel finding that a mother’s obesity leads to later obesity and other metabolic abnormalities in upcoming generations. Women following a Western diet develop metabolic and genetic abnormalities even before pregnancy which are subsequently forwarded to future generations, thereby making them prone to obesity-related conditions like Type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

This finding is pertinent since more than two-thirds of reproductive-age women in the US are obese. In the study, mice were fed a diet consisting of 60% fat and 20% sugar, nearly similar to the Western diet, right from six weeks before conception until weaning. The upcoming offsprings were then fed a diet containing high-protein, low-fat and low-sugar. Upto third descendents, the offsprings developed insulin resistance and other metabolic problems regardless of healthy diet.

Authors also found abnormal mitochondria in muscle and skeletal tissue of the progeny mice showing that mother’s obesity and associated metabolic abnormalities are inherited by transmitting dysfunctional genes of mitochondria in the unfertilized egg through the female bloodline. The mitochondrial DNA holds its own set of genes and is inherited only from mothers, not fathers. Additionally, oocytes also hoist information to program mitochondrial dysfunction throughout the body. Human offsprings are more susceptible to the effects of maternal metabolic syndrome since children follow the diets of parents

Consuming High Dose Loperamide Puts Heart at Risk
Categories Medical news

Consuming High Dose Loperamide Puts Heart at Risk

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently raised warnings over the drug loperamide stating that consumption of higher than recommended doses may cause QT interval prolongation, torsades de pointes, cardiac arrest, syncope and even death in some cases. The agency also reported that most cases of high-dose consumption were due to intentional misuse and abuse of the drug. Loperamide is a mu-opioid agonist indicated for diarrhea and prescribed at a maximum dose of 16 mg/day.

However, at higher doses, loperamide is known to deliver psychoactive effects. Considering this effect, copious online conferences recommend using loperamide to overcome opioid withdrawal symptoms. A drug safety communication conducted by FDA reported that more than half of the 48 cases of serious heart problems occurred in individuals who intentionally misused and abused high dose loperamide to get rid of opioid withdrawal symptoms or to simply reach a euphoric state. Out of those, 31 cases were hospitalized and 10 succumbed to death.

Moreover, individuals also intentionally misused other drugs like ranitidine along with loperamide for inflating its absorption and penetration across the blood-brain barrier, constrain its metabolism, and boost its euphoric effects. In precise, the FDA recommends considering loperamide as a possible cause of unexplained serious cardiac events. If loperamide toxicity is suspected, drug level testing should be done separately since standard toxicology and opioid drug testing miss out loperamide toxicity. Electrical pacing or cardio version should be opted than anti-arrhythmic drugs for treating loperamide-associated torsades de pointes.

Writing a Clinical Manuscript
Categories Scientific Communication

Writing a Clinical Manuscript: Know How?

It becomes the moment of pride and fulfilment for the budding clinical researchers, when their research work is known to the world through a peer-reviewed journal. That is when their hard work gets appreciated. Hitherto, getting started to write a manuscript becomes a bumpy path between the subject knowledge and the paper work. The concept here is to help overcome the hurdles in the path of publication of the manuscript in a target journal. Below addressed are some basic useful information to ponder about before writing a clinical manuscript.

Select the Journal:

Choose the readership you want to influence and select that specific journal through which you can register your views firmly.

Format the manuscript:

It is always wise to adhere to the instructions of a target journal. You are going to deal with the expert editors of the journal hence have a clear idea about your manuscript.

Title: Give a concise and descriptive title. The title should not exceed ten words. If the title is lengthy it will distract the readers.

Authors and affiliations: Disclose clear information about the authors and affiliations. Choose the first author and the corresponding author. Give the complete contact address including the mail id of the corresponding author because the editors will contact the corresponding author for any clarifications.

Abstract: Your abstract and title is going to give an impact for your article hence make it interesting. Put the whole idea of the article in a nutshell in the abstract. It will attract the prospective readers for your article.

KeywordsKeywords are used for indexing, hence do not miss it. Do not take the keywords from the article title.

Article text: The article text generally follows the IMRAD format. Be concise and to-the-point throughout the text. Introduction section should explain why you chose the specific subject for research. The previous studies carried out in the subject and their limitations should be discussed. Use appropriate methods to conduct your study. For a clinical study, Ethical committee permission should be obtained where necessary. Clinical trials should be properly registered. Avoid sudden introduction of new terms or ideas in the methods or results, present everything in the introduction section. In the results section delineate your findings with figures and tables where necessary. Tables and figures should not be clumsy but self-explanatory. Discussion section should give a complete picture about your idea, observation and findings.

References: Follow the instruction guide of the target journal for reference list and in-text citation. Ensure all the references in the list are cited in the article. This helps to reduce the publication time.

Miscellaneous details: Always include a copyright form and covering letter for ease submission process. Make sure the article is neither published anywhere nor a dual publication. Language errors are needed to be rectified at the initial stage itself. Include the acknowledgement section and conflict of interest if any.

Learning is a never ending process. What we learn is always a drop in the ocean. Hope the suggestions given above serves its purpose. Enjoy writing the manuscript. Enhance the possibility of the manuscript being accepted by the journal for publication. Get published your medical manuscript in favorite journal, utilize medical manuscript writing service from Cognibrain.

Married Heart Attack Patients Show Speedy Recovery than Single Patients
Categories Medical news

Married Heart Attack Patients Show Speedy Recovery than Single Patients

A recent research, putforth at the British Cardiovascular Society Conference, emphasized that married people are 14% less likely to die from heart attack and were discharged from hospital two fewer days prior than single people. Conducted by the ACALM (Algorithm for Comorbidities, Associations, Length of stay and Mortality) Study Unit, the scientists investigated around heart attack 25,000 patients, admitted between January 2000 and March 2013. Annually, about 188,000 hospital admissions occur for heart attack in the UK.

Around 7/10 people survive based on upgraded diagnosis and treatment. Although it is yet to predict the reason behind better survival of married people, scientists believe that physical and emotional support given by the spouse may play an extensive role. Getting early discharge reduces not only hospital stay charges but also risk of hospital acquired infections. It is estimated that the average hospital stay cost/day for a patient comes up to £400 for the NHS, but shorter length of stays may save the NHS to £9.8 million. The study also stresses to consider the psychological effects post heart attack, a risk factor in managing and discharging a patient. Thus the ACALM Study Unit has moved on to investigating the impact of health services such as cardiac rehab on patient’s mental and physical health.

Performing analysis on larger databases over a longer time period helps to gain supplementary psychological benefits of marriage, to guide patient care and to see if marriage can offer more advantages in overcoming other conditions like heart failure. A survey by British Heart Foundation (BHF) estimated that 30% heart attack survivors experience anxiety or depression. According to the BHF, the support offered by a spouse minimizes the impact of heart attack significantly thereby speeding recovery. Additionally enrolling in a cardiac rehab course provides better physical and psychological recovery and is recommended for all (married or single) heart attack patients.

Eating barley can reduce cardiovascular risk
Categories Medical news

Eating barley can reduce cardiovascular risk

A recent research review, conducted by Dr. Vladimir Vuksan at St. Michael’s Hospital, stated that consuming barley or products containing barley products ceases components of “bad cholesterol”–low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and non-high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels by seven percent. Published in The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the paper also emphasizes that barley is shown to be equally effective as oats in reducing bad cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular risk.

One of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease are surging cholesterol levels and diabetes. Although, drugs form the primary therapy, it is also pertinent to consider dietary and other lifestyle modifications that can make a lot of difference in curbing down the risk factors. The review encompasses 14 clinical trials from seven countries, including Canada and is the first to investigate the effects of barley on LDL, non-HDL and apolipoprotein B (apoB); a lipoprotein carrying total bad cholesterol in the blood.

According to the review, many studies have documented barley’s positive effects not only towards lowering bad cholesterol but also apoB, which is a pivotal element in assessing cardiovascular risk. These findings hold much importance for high risk populations (e.g. Type 2 diabetes) who show normal LDL levels but actually have high non-HDL or apoB levels. Benefits of barley consumption is not limited to just high-risk populations but also people without cholesterol hike since it is fibre-rich; has twice the protein and half the calories of oats. Consumption of barley to cut short cardiovascular risk has already been implemented in the Canadian strategy. Several other authorities have also approved health benefits of barley.